
申請熱線 6085 9168


Part A – Personal Instalment Loan A部 – 私人分期貸款

1. Choosing the account that is right for you 選擇適合你的戶口

1.1 Applicant for a personal instalment loan must be a Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above and is required to provide identification document, address proof and income proof.

1.2 We can structure your personal instalment loan to suit your personal needs. If you need us to explain any of the features of, or the terms applying to, any personal instalment loan products, please contact us.


2. The instalment loan 分期貸款

We will provide the loan 我們會提供貸款
2.1 If we issue an approval, we agree to provide an instalment loan up to the credit limit. The credit limit may be different to the credit limit you applied for.

Top up loan 新加貸款
2.2 If you ask, we may agree to provide a top up loan on terms we notify.

How we provide the instalment loan 我們如何提供分期貸款
2.3 In general, we provide the instalment loan by depositing it into the repayment account, or paid out to you by cheque or by cash at branch. If the instalment loan is disbursed by cheque, instalments are payable even if the cheque is not cashed.

2.4 Fees and charges that are applicable on the instalment loan may be deducted from the instalment loan before loan disbursement. Please contact us for details of any applicable fees.


3. Interest, fees and charges 利息、費用及收費

Interest 利息
3.1 You shall pay interest on the instalment loan monthly in arrears at the rate set out in Loan Agreement or any other rate we determine from time to time.

3.2 Interest is payable on the dates set out in statements or Loan Agreement.

3.3 Interest is calculated on a monthly basis.

Fees and charges 費用及收費
3.4 The fees and charges for the instalment loan are set out in the service fee table or Loan Agreement. Please contact us for details.

3.5 We may charge a late charge for any overdue payment as set out in the service fee table or Loan Agreement. Please contact us for details.


4. Repayment 還款

Repayment by instalments 分期還款
4.1 You shall repay the instalment loan in instalments in accordance with the amount of each instalment and due date we notify you.

4.2 Any balance owing on the account for the instalment loan (after payment of all instalments) must be repaid on or before the final repayment date we notify you.

4.3 The instalments are payable even if you do not withdraw any of the instalment loan funds we deposit in the repayment account.

4.4 If we vary the interest rate on the instalment loan, we may vary the instalment amount and the number of instalments.

Methods of repayment 還款方法
4.5 We advise you of the manner in which you shall repay the instalments. For example, we may request you to designate an account for repayment by direct debit and give us documents to facilitate direct debit from that account.

4.6 You shall comply with our general requirements for the relevant payment method, including any set out in clause 4.

4.7 You shall ensure that any payment instrument or payment instruction is honoured. For example, you must:

  • ensure that you have sufficient funds in the account to be debited (including the repayment account);
  • not stop cheques;
  • not cancel or vary any payment arrangement (unless we request you to do so to reflect a change in the instalments) or close or change the account on which cheques are drawn.

Automatic payment from repayment account with another institution 從另一機構的還款戶口自動付款
4.8 If we require you to repay by automatic payment and the repayment account is with another financial institution, you shall:

  • organise a payment arrangement with the other financial institution under which an amount equal to each instalment amount is debited from the repayment account and paid to us on each instalment due date and give us satisfactory evidence that this is in place; or
    與該財務機構訂立付款安排,於各期的還款到期日從有關還款戶口扣除相當於各分期款額的款項支付我們,並且向我們 提供有關安排的充分證明;或
  • provide us with any necessary authorisation that enables us to debit the instalment amount from the repayment account.

Payment in full upon our request 我們可要求繳付全額
4.9 Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary herein, we may at any time demand immediate payment of the instalment loan in full, together with all accrued but unpaid interest, fees and charges in connection with the instalment loan.

What happens if you do not pay 不付款的後果
4.10 If you do not make an instalment repayment on or before the relevant due date:

  • the instalment loan plus all accrued but unpaid interest plus any other sum due to us is immediately due and payable; and
  • we will charge you a late charge as set out in the service fee table or Loan Agreement.
  • we may employ third party collection agencies to collect overdue amounts owed by you and may request you to indemnify us in respect of all reasonable legal charges, collection agent charges and any other expenses incurred in connection with our efforts to obtain payment of any money owing in respect of the loan from you and/ or otherwise enforce the Loan Agreement, including but not limited to legal costs on an indemnity basis.

How we apply payments 我們如何分配付款
4.11 We may use amounts we receive from any of your instalment repayments to pay interest rather than to reduce the principal amount you owe us or to pay amounts you owe us in any order we choose. For example, we may allocate a higher proportion of any one or more of your instalment repayments to interest rather than to the principal amount you owe us.


5. Prepayment 提前還款

5.1 You may prepay all (but not part) of the instalment loan if:

  • you give us reasonable notice; and
  • when you prepay, you also pay all accrued but unpaid interest, fees and charges in connection with the instalment loan according to the terms set out in Loan Agreement. Details of these fees and charges are available by contacting us.

6. Cancellation 取消

6.1 You may only cancel the instalment loan before the drawdown of an instalment loan. An instalment loan is deemed to be drawn-down once the instalment loan is deposited to the repayment account, or paid out to you by cheque or by cash.


7. Telephone enquiry 電話查詢

7.1 When we receive an enquiry by telephone, we may verify an enquirer’s identity by asking them to provide Hong Kong Identity Card number (or passport number if you do not have a Hong Kong Identity Card), the loan amount applied for and any other information we see fit. If we believe the enquirer to be you, you authorise us to disclose the following data to the enquirer:

  • loan application details such as requested loan amount, number of instalments and application date;
  • loan approval status (approved, pending or rejected); and
  • if the loan is approved, the exact amount approved, the interest rate, the number of instalments, the final repayment date and the loan drawdown date.


8. Miscellaneous 其他事項

8.1 We may pay a fee or commission to a third party if you are introduced to us. On the other hand, we may receive a fee or commission from a third party if you are introduced by us after you have consented to the introduction.


Part B – Personal Revolving Loan B部 – 私人循環貸款

9. Choosing the account that is right for you 選擇適合你的戶口

9.1 Applicant for a personal revolving loan must be a Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above and is required to provide identification document, address proof and income proof.

9.2 We can structure your personal revolving loan to suit your personal needs. If you need us to explain any of the features of, or the terms applying to, any personal revolving loan products, please contact us.


10. The revolving loan 循環貸款

We will provide the revolving loan 我們會提供循環貸款
10.1 If we issue an approval, we agree to provide a revolving loan up to the credit limit. The credit limit may be different to the credit limit you applied for.

How we provide the revolving loan 我們如何提供循環貸款
10.2 In general, we provide the revolving loan by depositing it into the repayment account or paid out to you by cheque at branch. If the revolving loan is disbursed by cheque, the revolving loan are payable even if the cheque is not cashed.


11. Credit limit 信貸限額

Exceeding the credit limit 超逾信貸限額
11.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that the limit is not exceeded.

11.2 If you request, we may agree to review the credit limit at any time.


12. Interest, fees and charges 利息、費用及收費

Interest 利息
12.1 You shall pay interest on the revolving loan monthly in arrears at the rate set out in the approval or otherwise in Loan Agreement or any other rate we determine from time to time.

12.2 Unless otherwise specified in Loan Agreement, interest accrues on a daily basis and is calculated on the basis of a 365-day year.

12.3 Interest is payable on the dates set out in the approval, statements or Loan Agreement.

12.4 If you do not make payment when overdue, we may charge an overdue charge and/or interest on any overdue amount at the overdue charge rate as set out in the service fee table or Loan Agreement. Please contact us for details.

12.5 If you do not make payment when overdue, we may employ third party collection agencies to collect overdue amounts owed by you and may request you to indemnify us in respect of all reasonable legal charges, collection agent charges and any other expenses incurred in connection with our efforts to obtain payment of any money owing in respect of the loan from you and/ or otherwise enforce the Loan Agreement, including but not limited to legal costs on an indemnity basis.

12.6 If the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan exceeds the credit limit, we may charge an overlimit fee as set out in the service fee table or Loan Agreement. Please contact us for details.

12.7 We do not pay interest on any credit balance on the account for the revolving loan.

Fees and charges 費用及收費
12.8 The fees and charges for the revolving loan are set out in the service fee table or Loan Agreement. Please contact us for details.


13. Repayment 還款

Minimum monthly repayment 每月最低付款額
13.1 On or before the due date set out in the statement we issue for a revolving loan, you shall pay at least a minimum monthly repayment as set out in the statement. Alternatively, you may pay the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan as set out in the statement.

13.2 Your liability to us remains even if, for any reason, you do not receive your periodic statement.

Calculation of minimum monthly repayment 每月最低付款額的計算
13.3 We calculate the minimum monthly repayment in accordance with our usual practice. Please contact us for further information.

Methods of repayment 還款方法
13.4 We advise you of the manner in which you shall repay any repayment on the revolving loan. For example, we may request you to designate an account for repayment by direct debit and give us documents to facilitate direct debit from that account.

13.5 You shall comply with our usual requirements for the relevant payment method, including any set out in clause 13.

13.6 You shall ensure that any payment instrument or payment instruction is honoured. For example, you must:

  • ensure that you have sufficient funds in the account to be debited (including the repayment account) for an amount equal to:
    – at least the minimum monthly repayment;
    – any applicable charges/fees; and
    – any other amount you owe us in connection with the revolving loan;
  • not stop cheques;
  • not cancel or vary any payment arrangement (unless we request you to do so to reflect a change in the minimum monthly repayment) or close or change the account on which cheques are drawn.

Automatic payment from repayment account with another institution
13.7 If we require you to repay by automatic payment and the repayment account is with another financial institution, you shall:

  • organise a payment arrangement with the other financial institution under which an amount equal to:
    – the minimum monthly repayment;
    – any applicable charges/fees; and
    – any other amount you owe us in connection with the revolving loan,
    is debited from the repayment account and deposited in your account for the revolving loan on each due date and give us satisfactory evidence that this is in place; or
  • provide us with any necessary authorisation that enables us to debit the above amounts from the repayment account.

Payment in full upon our request 我們可要求繳付全額
13.8 Notwithstanding anything stated to the contrary herein, we may at any time demand immediate payment of the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan.

What happens if you do not pay 不付款的後果
13.9 If we do not receive the minimum monthly repayment on or before the due date, you may not be able to use the account for the revolving loan after the due date until the minimum monthly repayment has been paid.

Statement 結單
13.10 We issue a statement to you each month for the account for the revolving loan.

13.11 If you think there is an error on your statement, you must notify us with details of the error within the period as specified in the statement. If you do not do so, we treat the statement as correct.

How we apply payments 我們如何運用所獲付款
13.12 We may use amounts we receive under Loan Agreement to pay amounts you owe us in the following order or any order we choose:

  • principal and interest billed but not paid; then
  • current principal and interest; then
  • overdue charges; then
  • other fees and charges.


14. Right to reborrow 循環再借權利

14.1 You may only reborrow an amount repaid if:

  • the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan does not exceed the credit limit; and
  • you otherwise satisfy our conditions for permitting reborrowing.

Any amount you reborrow forms part of the revolving loan.


15. Liability 責任

General 一般事項
15.1 You are liable for:

  • any failure to comply with the terms of Loan Agreement; and
  • the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan.


16. Cancellation and termination 終止及取消

How to terminate 如何終止
16.1 At any time, we may choose to cancel or suspend or end the revolving loan with notice to you.

16.2 At any time, you may cancel the revolving loan by giving us at least 7 working days advance notice in writing, such cancellation or termination to be effective upon such notice is confirmed to be received by us.

What happens if the account is terminated 戶口終止的情況
16.3 If you or we end the revolving loan, you must immediately pay the balance owing on the account for the revolving loan .


17. Variation 修訂

17.1 If you are not comfortable with any changes we make to Loan Agreement, you may terminate the revolving loan in accordance with the procedure in clause 16.

17.2 If we notify you of any changes to Loan Agreement in accordance with any applicable law and you keep or use the account for the revolving loan, you are taken to have agreed to the changes.


18. Suspicious transactions 可疑交易

18.1 We need not honour suspicious transactions (and need not notify you if this is the case).


19. Telephone enquiry 電話查詢

19.1 When we receive an enquiry by telephone, we may verify an enquirer’s identity by asking them to provide your Hong Kong Identity Card number (or passport number if you do not have a Hong Kong Identity Card), the loan amount applied for and any other information we see fit. If we believe the enquirer to be you, you authorise us to disclose the following data to the enquirer:

  • loan application details such as requested loan amount and application date;
  • loan approval status (approved, pending or rejected); and
  • if the loan is approved, the exact amount approved, the interest rate and the loan drawdown date.

20. Miscellaneous 其他事項

20.1 We may pay a fee or commission to a third party if you are introduced to us. On the other hand, we may receive a fee or commission from a third party if you are introduced by us after you have consented to the introduction.


Part C – Meaning of words C部 – 詞語涵義

21. Meaning of words 詞語涵義

“overdue charge rate” means the rate of interest which applies to overdue payments or any amount owing in excess of a limit as set out in Loan Agreement.
“逾期利率” 指貸款協議書所載適用於逾期繳款或任何超逾信貸限額款項的利率。

“instalment loan” means the outstanding principal amount of each drawdown of a loan made under Part A of these terms. It includes a top up loan.
“分期貸款” 指根據本條款A部所授貸款每次動用的未償還本金,包括新加貸款。

“credit limit” means, for a personal instalment loan or personal revolving loan, the credit limit set out in the approval for the product (as we may vary from time to time).

“Loan Agreement” means the agreement between you and us formed when we accept an application for instalment loan or revolving loan from you, the terms of which include these terms.
“貸款協議書” 指我們接納你的分期貸款或循環貸款申請時,你與我們訂立的協議,有關條款包括本條款。

“repayment account” means a savings account or current/cheque account opened and maintained any other financial institution which you and we have agreed is to be the account into which we may deposit the instalment loan or revolving loan and/or from which we may debit instalments or repayments.
“還款戶口” 指你與我們協定的在任何其他財務機構開立及維持的儲蓄或往來/支票戶口,可供我們存入分期貸款或循環貸款及/或我們可從中扣除分期款項或償付款項。


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